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Can you help?

We are appealing for donations to help feed people in these unprecedented times. We are appealing to our supporters to donate cash directly and to continue donating food at supermarkets when they can. Your donation enables us to pay for our warehouse, van and the many other essential costs. Any contribution that you can make will be gratefully received and we have made it easier by allowing you to donate in several ways.

Give extra with Gift Aid:

As a registered charity, we can claim up to 25p from the Government for every £1 that you donate making it go further at no cost to you. You must be a UK taxpayer and have paid income or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount Canterbury Food Bank will claim back from the Government on your donation. Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration form and submit it as indicated in the notes on the form.

Donate By…

Credit Card or
Debit Card

To donate with a credit or debit card or to use Paypal, please use this link.

You don’t need a Paypal account and do not have to create one.

Please also consider completing a gift aid declaration if you can, particularly if this is the first time you have donated to us.

We will keep your declaration on file, so you don’t have to complete it more than once. Thank you.

Paying money into
our bank account

Account name: Canterbury Food Bank
Bank: HSBC Bank PLC
Account: 12437910
Sort code: 40-16-11

Please use your name as a reference on your payment.

Are you able to gift aid your donation?

If you would like us to acknowledge your donation, please supply your contact details via the ‘contact us’ page.

If you wish to make a regular donation into the bank, please use the details above to set this up via your internet banking or use the standing order form if you prefer.


Please make cheques payable to Canterbury Food Bank and send to:

Canterbury Food Bank CIO.
Unit 29, Joseph Wilson Industrial Estate
Millstrood Road, Whitstable,
Kent, CT5 3PS.


Send a Text from your mobile phone*
 You will be charged your donation plus your standard network rate.

£1 – text FOOD1 to 70201
£3 – text FOOD1 to 70331
£5 – text FOOD1 to 70970
£10 – text FOOD1 to 70191

* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see www.easydonate.org.



Choose a representative to help you with your food parcel.

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